22 October 2012

We landed on an alien landscape

An experiment with rendering using Kerkythea, a piece of software that helps with making 3D models look better. Kerkythea essentially describes light falling on your 3D model and the resultant luminescence and scattering of light.

11 October 2012

The Caterpillar Adventure ebook

You can find my free ebook at Smashwords. I wrote the book and illustrated the cover.
Find the book here Smashwords free ebook; The Caterpillar Adventure
The Caterpillar Adventure at Smashwords now for free!
Smashwords is an excellent publishing platform for your written material. It's easy to publish and there are no "up front" fees to pay to get your work distributed. You can charge for your work and the potential to earn an income from your well written book is there.
If you are self publishing and don't have the requisite design skills for a cover, get in touch and commission me.
With good promotion of your book you have the potential to reach millions of readers. The first place to start is with an arresting cover.