08 November 2011

Making Money Online; Part Two

Set your expectations at the right level to avoid becoming demotivated with your efforts at making money on-line.

Millions of people use the web every day, there are also millions of people in the city where I live. Just because I open a shop in my bedroom does not mean I am going to get thousands of people flocking to buy from me.

To do that, first I have to be selling something that fulfils a need. Second, people have to be made aware of what I sell and where to buy.
It's exactly the same with the internet. If you create a website, no one will find it for a month or two. During that time you have to develop the content on your site and tell people about it.

If you tell your friends about your website, there has to be something for them to engage with. Kindness will only go so far. If you present something that has had thought and effort put into it, one or two of them will recommend your work to somebody else. In this way you will develop the number of visitors to your site.

Good traffic to your site is great for making money through affiliate advertising and for making money through Pay Per Download. (Forget that, what with the file download controversy over pirated content with megaupload).

If you don't have the stomach for all that hard work developing written content, I recommend the microstock option mentioned in my earlier post. This is probably the most fruitful activity for those illustrators not interested in creating an online audience.

With microstock sites you can concentrate on the work of illustration. Good images will sell themselves. However, there will always be the element of promoting yourself online.

If you want to make money through your illustration work, do some research. Know your niche and develop your technical skills. Be aware of what others are doing in your area and try to do it better.

I wish you the best of luck.

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